March 2, 2018

6 Ways We Work with a Patient’s Doctors to Bring Better Palliative & Hospice Care

When a patient first comes onto hospice with Ardent Hospice & Palliative Care, we try to get as much knowledge and background information as possible from their primary physician and any specialists who have cared for them. This gives us a holistic perspective of how the patient’s diagnosis has transpired so we’re able to deliver in-depth care that meets their needs.

It’s never our goal to dismiss the relationship between a patient and their doctor; rather, we come alongside their doctors and create a plan when they come onto hospice or palliative services. Here are just six of the ways we work and communicate with their doctors to enhance their care.

Patients on Hospice Care

Because hospice care means a patient is ending their curative treatments, typically, they stop visiting their primary care doctor for appointments. However, that doesn’t mean their physician is completely removed from their care plan.

Keeping Doctors in the Loop

Many times, doctors want to keep informed of how their patient is doing. Some of these relationships have spanned decades, so physicians feel personally involved in their lives; they’ll ask to continue to follow them even though they’re receiving exhaustive care through hospice. When we encounter these situations, we make it a point to keep their doctor in the loop as to how their diagnosis is progressing and continue to get feedback on their care.

Authorizing Hospice Care Services

Ultimately, it’s the doctor’s decision to sign off on and authorize a patient going onto hospice care. When a family has decided it’s the best option for their loved one, one of our Ardent representatives will request records from the patient’s doctor to obtain their past medical history and more information about their diagnosis.

Creating a Care Plan that Makes Sense

A patient’s physician always has the option to stay involved, give us feedback, and continue to work with the patient, but care is usually given at home through our own nurses. We create a plan based on the information we receive from their doctor and administer care that makes sense for the patient in the moment. We bring the patient all the medical equipment and medication—based on their care plan—they would need to remain comfortable in their last days.

Patients on Palliative Care

When a patient is receiving palliative care through Ardent, they are still able to seek treatments and curative options to manage, remedy, or control their condition. That means they will continue to see their doctor throughout the time they’re receiving our services; it’s our job to strengthen and reinforce the care they’re receiving.

Providing an Extra Set of Eyes

With palliative care, since patients are still seeking treatments, their care plan is set up and mainly administered through their primary care provider. We provide an extra set of eyes, so if we notice something out of the ordinary with a patient when our nurse visits, we can relay that message to their doctor and evolve their treatment plan as necessary.

Coordinating Care Between Doctor and Patient

Part of our services involve acting as a case manager and coordinating care between the patient and their doctor. We have a very strong, close follow-up with the doctor since they’re still the main source for the patient’s medication and treatment. As their care plan changes, based on the patient’s progression, we adjust their services to keep them as healthy and comfortable as possible.

Bridging Communication

We work heavily with providers on a day-to-day basis and are in constant communication with them. Because our nurses and staff speak the same medical language as a patient’s primary care doctor, we can break the communication barrier and make it easier for patients to have their questions answered. Vice versa, when a doctor decides to switch up an aspect of their care plan, we can relay those changes in a way the patient can understand.

If you or your loved one is in need of care, Ardent Hospice & Palliative Care goes above and beyond to work with your doctor to ensure your needs are met. For more information on our services or to start receiving care, contact Ardent by calling (858) 952-1786 or visiting us online.